Friday, August 6, 2010

Hair Loss Treatment by Herbal Means

In a recent article printed in the European Journal of Dermatology regarding an herbal hair loss product they are currently studying in Kang et, researchers have been studying a native plant called Schisandra Nigra from the Island of Jeju in South Korea for its rumored ability to re-grow hair. Currently, they are documenting studies conducted on rat hair with good results.

They applied 85% ethanol extract of S. Nigra (Schisandra Nigra) to rat vibrissa follicles. The most common effect was vibrissa follicles showed a significant increase in hair fiber length as well as the induction of the hair shaft’s anagen (growth phase) progression. The expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in the bulb matrix region as well as the proliferation of immortalized vibrissa dermal papilla cells also increased with signs of more activity in the hair follicle cells when S. Nigra EtOH (ethanol) extract was applied.

Researchers examined S. Nigra’s relationship with the TGF-beta2 complex to help determine what mechanism helps induce hair growth. TGF-beta2 is a signal pathway known to regulate catagen induction of the phase that begins when the hair’s growth cycle ends.

After applying S. Nigra to rat hair for 7 days, the results show that the expression of TGF-beta2 was significantly lower in the bulb matrix region in comparison to that of the control follicles expected to be in the anagen-catagen phase. The results suggest that S. Nigra extract potentially promotes hair growth through down regulation of TGF-beta2 and the proliferation of dermal papilla.

In simpler terms, the S. Nigra plant extract stops hair follicles from going into their resting phase. With hair follicles not going into their resting phase, more hair will be seen at the same time. These findings only apply to rat hair at the moment and have not been confirmed to be effective on human hair growth.

We currently do not recommend the use of herbal hair loss products for treatment of male or female patterned hair loss due to the lack of substantial evidence of their effectiveness. We will, however, continue to review and monitor any new findings or updates made around the world and keep our readers up-to-date on their hair restoration questions and needs.

This topic can also be read on keyword HERBAL

A student in the Medical Field, I take scientific findings from my studies and from medical experts and put them down in writing for the general public. My writings are meant for educational purposes and for review by medical professionals but also meant to be read by the world.

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